
New Look Wine Photos

Hi Everyone We had one of our coolest stockists come in and see us this week and she took some photos of our set up, then sent them to me. They are really different, but so simple they show texture and colour in a different way. Check these out… These are our...

Volcanic Hills Wine In Taupo

Hey Everyone Well, have been branching out and showing our wine to a new market, all based in Taupo. We have joined up to the Taupo Chamber of Commerce and are looking to work with business’s who are like ours, and are sort of local. I went down last Thursday...

Sunset at the Tasting Room

Hey Everyone With the days getting cold here in Rotorua there is also the advent of the most amazing sunsets out the window here at “the Office”, AKA our Tasting Room. Yes the lump in the background is the very reverent Mount Tarawera! Have a great night...

The Pink Ribbon appeal makes the barrel hall their own!!!

Hi There Always something new.. We finally finished the barrel hall upgrade by installing another collection of our now famous Marsden B Power station lights, somewhat like the tasting room, but lacking in the view department. So having cleaned it for the first time,...

The Hospo Awards to VH tasting Room

WOW what night we had here last night. Sharon Wallace of the Rotorua Hospitality Association offered us the chance to showcase our site to all the best Restaurants in town!  And did they turn up with a flourish. This was the media announcement of the finalist,...

Welcome to the inside World of Volcanic Hills Wine

Hi, it’s Brent here, one of the VH team who is going to take you on a ride through the crazy highs and lows of the year that we have to contend with each day. If you want to hear about anything we do in any more detail, just contact Sean or myself and we will be...

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