Hi Everyone
We had one of our coolest stockists come in and see us this week and she took some photos of our set up, then sent them to me.
They are really different, but so simple they show texture and colour in a different way.
Check these out…
These are our tasting glasses, with the signature wine wall that is both in tasting room and winery. We thought that the sleeping wine bottles really symbolize our relaxed attitude!!
They were a group that came in to see what we do in the winery and the majority had never seen a winery before. It is always such fun to show off what we do, and the understanding that people walk away with is always so much more than any payment.
This is me looking very in the swing of things and holding court about wine in barrels.
It is always interesting how many people see the barrel hall as almost the shrine of what we do. The barrels do provide a really interesting almost church pew style I guess. Harmonizing and peaceful perhaps, maybe we should set up our own following?
Next, there is one of the photos I love most. This to me represents the whole story of wine. The interest and the motion, the story of what if and what is it all about? Yet it also shows the mystery as to what is in the barrel, slowly changing each day.
To finish with, our group headed up the mountain to the tasting room. Obviously, like most people there was the crazy shots out the window, but again this shot really covers what we look at everyday and can not be explained easily, just sheer beauty sort of covers it.
Thank you to the person who sent me these I am truly grateful. It is always really special to see what we do through other people’s eyes and see how other people see us. (Got to love digital cameras too…)
If you want to see this yourself, come on in to our winery, or call or mail me directly, we can show all of it.
Speak soon